OXY-FLUIDITY™ enhances healthy joint viscosity and helps maintain joint mobility, function and connective tissue.
Paste product
OXY FLUIDITY™is a joint paste for maintenance or pre-performance that supports the lubrication of the joints using Eggshell Membrane and Hyaluronic Acid. May reduce issues due to trauma or overuse.
Active Ingredients per 20 cc:
Proprietary Blend — 8100 mg
(Eggshell Membrane, Hyaluronic Acid, Octacosanol, Resveratrol, Vitamin E, Yucca)
Magnesium Sulfate — 1900 mg
Methysulfonylmethane (MSM) — 475 mg
Spearmint Oil — 28 mg
Inactive Ingredients:
Apple Flavoring, Propionic Acid.
Learn More:
Eggshell Membrane - An innovative nutritional supplement that brings fast relief from stiffness and impaired mobility of osteoarthritis and other joint health problems. It is a natural source of collagen which is known to support joint health. Much of the benefit is thought to be the result of its nutrients boosting the production of critical joint molecules. In addition, it has also been shown to reduce the production of various inflammatory compounds.
Hyaluronic Acid - A lubricating fluid that's naturally found in the skin, eyes, joints, fluid, and connective tissue. HA provides more lubrication than glucosamine due to how it holds water which is more beneficial to the joint fluid and important for shock absorption. HA is an integral component of synovial fluid and articulate cartilage.
Magnesium Hydroxide - Used as an antacid to neutralize stomach acid and also as a laxative. In some cases, it us prescribed to help relieve mild colic.
MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) - MSM is A natural sulfur-containing compound that can be found in your horse’s body. The compound splits into methionine and Cysteine, two important amino acids. MSM is primarily used as a joint supplement to aid in the health of collagen and cartilage. It helps reduce inflammation and improve circulation. Skin, coat, and health supplements often contain added MSM for the sulfur. MSM may benefit a horse healing from an injury or suffering from chronic arthritic changes in its joints as well.
Octacosanol - Used to improve exercise performance including strength, stamina, and reaction time.
Resveratrol - A powerful ingredient to fight off free radicals. Also known as a strong antioxidant to support the immune system.
Soybean Oil - Classified as a vegetable oil it contains the good unsaturated fats with omega 3 essential fatty acids and vitamin E. The omega-3 essential fatty acids balance out the omega-6 your horse gets from other food sources.
Administer 20cc for five days. Administer 20cc every two weeks for maintenace and an additonal 10cc f two hours before competiton or traning.
Safe use in pregnant animals or animals intended for breeding has not been proven. If animal’s condition worsens or does not improve, stop product administration and consult your veterinarian.
An examination from a veterinarian is recommended prior to using this product.
For animal use only.
Keep out of reach of children and animals. In case of accidental overdose, contact a health professional immediately.
This product should not be given to animals intended for human consumption.